WAYS to help support the EVWC!
You can make a donation to the Estes Valley Watershed Coalition and join the group of supporters who are helping us make a difference by protecting the natural resources and environment in the Estes Valley.
Your contribution helps us support:
Continued flood restoration work and ongoing monitoring of project sites.
Our collaborative efforts with many other groups in Colorado.
Planning and implementation of new projects for watershed and reducing wildfire risk in the Estes Valley.
Our educational talks, programs and community outreach that help us connect to the land, water and wildlife of the Estes Valley.
COlorado Gives Day
You can also send a tax deductible donation during #COGivesDay!
Prefer to donate via mail?
Please make checks out to:
Estes Valley Watershed Coalition
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4494
Estes Park, CO 80517