Wildlife Wednesday — 8.5 months
By Andy Ames
Think back to what you were doing about 8 1/2 months ago. Maybe spending the evening watching the elk rut in Moraine Park? Or maybe a month later you were watching the Mule deer bucks chasing does. Now we see the fruits of their labor with new calves and fawns. I have heard reports of elk and moose calves in the Estes Valley and deer fawns and Bighorn lambs in lower elevations. What have you seen?
A male mule deer will begin following a female a few days before she goes into estrus. After mating, he may stick around for a couple of days or go off in search of another doe.
Usually the biggest bucks are most successful in early mating.
Prior to the rut females are often found in family clans made up of does of maternal descent.
Males establish a hierarchy within their own groups made up of unrelated bucks.
Buck searching the air for the scent of a doe.