More Homes for Bluebirds


Update by Scott Rashid, Director Colorado Avian Research and Rehabilitation Institute

This past Saturday (3/20/21), volunteers with the Wandering Wildlife Society  (WWS) and the Colorado Avian Research and Rehabilitation Institute (CARRI) worked together and placed several bluebird nest boxes. Bluebirds are a secondary cavity nesting species that need to nest in cavities but cannot construct one on their own. While they usually nest in former woodpecker cavities, they will gladly accept a birdhouse in the right location. For the past couple of years, CARRI has built and placed nesting boxes for them, in the hopes that the birds will find them to their liking and use them this summer for nesting.  Several boxes are placed on private property, so the birds will not be disturbed while nesting. Bluebirds often nest two to three times in a summer, but do not often reuse the same nest. This is why we have placed more than 100 boxes for them throughout the valley.

Thank you to all the volunteers that assisted with this project, with a special thanks to Larry Killgore for building all of the nest boxes.


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