From the Archives - Feathered Friday: The Belted Kingfisher
by Rachel Ames
While the recent temperatures are not “normal,” many aquatic bird species are relishing the unfrozen waters and ample food that is still available. This is especially true of the Belted Kingfisher. These birds like to hang out on branches that overlook calm waters and when they see any fish, crustacean or other potential food item, they dive down to retrieve it. Males and females look almost identical except that the female has an additional chestnut breast band while the male just has one blue-grey one. Belted Kingfishers live in the Estes Valley year-round while the water is unfrozen and will travel to lower elevations if is too cold. Some Belted Kingfishers breed as far north as Northern Canada but those birds must migrate to find suitable winter habitat. Some travel as far as northern South America to spend the winter. One little known aspect of the Belted Kingfisher is that they nest in burrows in a bank. They know to make it high enough to avoid flooding and to make the nest cavity uphill from the entrance so that water does not flow into the nest. Tunnel lengths can be from 1-8 feet long. To hear their rattle call visit:
Female Belted Kingfisher.
Male Belted Kingfisher.
Female Belted Kingfisher.
Female Belted Kingfisher.
Belted Kingfisher.