Kids’ Fishing Clinic Wrap-Up
The magnet fishing game was a big hit with kids and parents alike.
The 34th annual Rotary Duck Race festival was held this past Saturday, May 6th, and turnout was surprisingly good despite the blustery spring weather. EVWC hosted a table at the finish line–along with dozens of other local non-profits and businesses–where we had a chance to interact with both locals and visitors alike about the importance of protecting the water, forests, and wildlife of the Estes Valley.
Some kids could cast the practice fly rod better than their parents!
In order to help people better understand the connection between a healthy watershed and our own wellbeing, we decided to offer kids’ fishing activities (including both a magnet fishing game and some basic fly-casting instruction) since fishing is such a popular sport up here in Estes, and one that wouldn’t be possible without a continuous supply of clean, cold water on which the trout depend. The kids loved it, and we had some great conversations with their parents too, helping to raise awareness not only among our current community, but among the next generation of watershed stewards as well.
EVWC coordinator Wilynn Formeller handing out prizes donated by local outfitters.
We would like to sincerely thank the local outfitters–Estes Park Mountain Shop, Kirk’s Fly Shop, and Scots Sporting Goods–who helped support our efforts by providing prizes for the kids, including hats, stickers, flies, and more. Your generosity helped to inspire young anglers who may grow up to become the next guardians of our water.